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Wednesday June 22, 2016

Camp iCare had an excellent third day at Alabama Rural Ministry. The day began with the Camp iCare Olympics Opening Ceremony. Today participants noticed that the topic for the day would be the 4 T's of Philanthropy: time, talent, treasure, and trust. Afterwards, each camper returned to the classroom to participate in a group discussion on the 4 T's of Philanthropy, and ways to share the 4 T's with others. Within the remaining time, campers continued to work on their posters and Donor Boards.

 To close out our day, we were treated to our speaker, former Auburn University Football player and current Auburn Basketball strength and conditioning coach, Mr. Andrew Williams. Andrew is a very inspirational speaker and helped the campers realize that no matter what they dream of becoming it will come true as long as they work hard to achieve it. He also left them with a great quote, "Our ATTITUDE, effects our ALTITUDE!"  Meaning that if we have poor self-esteem and an "I can't do this" demeanor we won't go very far, however with good self-esteem and a "can do" outlook we can soar with the eagles. This was a very inspiring message for all who were there to hear it campers and adults alike!!

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